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AI Preference

Go to AI Preferences from the sidebar. There are four sections - OpenAI Setup, Document, Image & Code.

AI Setup

Go to OpenAI Setup, any change in this form will be applied on the whole system. Click on save to save the changes.

  • OpenAI Key is used for image, code and document creation. Without this key, a user can’t create code, image or document. You can get API key from here
  • A stable diffusion key is employed when a customer wishes to generate stable diffusion image, and this process is managed by users. You can get API key from here
  • Max length for short description identifies the max length for content creation with short description, and it is handled from the admin panel.
  • Max length for long description identifies the max length for content creation with long description, and it is handled from the admin panel.
  • OpenAI Model:The model which is used in the system. It can change from the admin panel.
  • Max result length (Token):The max length of token generation. It is handled by users.

OpenAI Key

To generate an OpenAI API key, follow these steps:

  • Visit the OpenAI website at OpenAI and sign in to your account or create a new account if you don't have one.

  • Once you are signed in, navigate to the API section of the OpenAI website.

  • You may need to join a waiting list or be part of the early access program to get access to the API. If you're eligible, proceed to the next step.

  • Fill out any required information or agree to any terms and conditions.

  • Provide your payment information or choose a plan that suits your needs. API usage may be subject to certain fees.

  • Once you have completed these steps, you should be able to generate an API key. This key serves as an authentication token allowing you to make API requests.

  • Securely store your API key in a safe location. It's essential to keep it confidential and avoid sharing it publicly in order to protect your account. Remember to consult the OpenAI documentation or reach out to their support team for any specific instructions or assistance during the API key generation process.

Stable diffusion

To generate a stable diffusion API key, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the Stability AI website: Go to Stable diffusion in your web browser.

  • Sign up or log in: If you don't already have an account, sign up for a new account. If you do have an account, log in to your existing account.

  • Access the API section: Once logged in, navigate to the API section or the "Getting Started" page.

  • Billing Section: Provide your payment information or choose a plan that suits your needs. API usage may be subject to certain fees.

  • Create an API key: After that, look for the option to create an API key. Click on it, and a unique API key will be generated for you.

  • Copy and store the API key: Once the API key is generated, make sure to copy it and store it securely. You will need this key to authenticate your requests to the Stability AI API. Note that the exact details and steps may vary depending on any recent updates or changes made to the Stability AI website. Be sure to refer to the documentation or contact their support team for specific instructions if needed.

Google API Key

To generate an API key for Google and enable the Text-to-Speech API, you need to follow these steps:

Create a Google Cloud Project:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console.
  • Sign in with your Google account or create one if you don't have it.
  • Click on the project dropdown at the top of the screen, and select "New Project."

  • Give your project a name and click the "Create" button.

Enable the Text-to-Speech API:

  • In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to the project you just created.

  • In the left sidebar, click on "APIs & Services" and then "Library."

  • Search for "Text-to-Speech API" and select it.

  • Click the "Enable" button to enable the API.

Create API Credentials:

  • In the left sidebar, click on "APIs & Services" and then "Credentials."

  • Click the "Create credentials" dropdown and select "API key."

  • Your API key will be created, and you'll see it on the screen. You can also restrict the API key if needed for security purposes.

Use the API Key in Your Application:

  • Copy the API key that was generated.


Go to AI Preferences ⇒ Document from the sidebar.

Customize the settings according to your preferences and click on the Save button. As an admin, you have the authority to add or delete tones, variants, languages, and creativity levels. Any modifications made will be reflected in the customer panel's document module.

  • Language - A user can create documents by using these languages.
  • Variants - A user can create 3 types of variant documents at a time by using this section.
  • Creativity level - A user can create a document as their wished creativity level. Here four creativity levels are available.
  • Tones - Four tones are here.

Long Article

Here we can see all configurations and settings of long article features. Go to Configuration ⇒ AI preferences of the system's admin panel and click on Long Article to get all configurations of long articles. There are some options or settings of long article feature explained them below -

  • Long Article Generate using - Here admin can choose an article generate provider according to admin’s choice. For now, we have only OpenAi provider. In future we will add more.
  • Select Languages - Admin can set some Languages to generate articles. This list is based on the provider's choice. This selected list will show in the customer panel.
  • Select Tones - In here admin can set a list of Tones for customer’s.This list is based on the provider's choice. Using these tones customer’s can set their article’s strength.
  • OpenAi Model - Here admin can set a specific content generate model according to the selected provider. Using this Provider can generate articles with some specific features.
  • Frequency Penalty - Frequency Penalty helps providers avoid repetition of the same words.
  • Presence Penalty - Presence Penalty helps providers to encourage using different kinds of words.


Go to AI Preferences ⇒ Image from the sidebar.

In this platform, users have the capability to generate images utilizing both OpenAI and Stable Diffusion technologies. With the aid of stable diffusion, users can upload images and subsequently recreate them as per their requirements.

  • Variants identify how many types an image created
  • Resolutions identify the image size.
  • Image style identifies how the images look like.
  • Lighting effects identify the image effects.


Go to AI Preferences ⇒ Code from the sidebar.

The admin has the authority to add and remove languages. There are more than 8 language available. Additionally, users can create code in three proficiency levels - Moderate, High, and Noob.

  • Language Identify the programming language of code creation.
  • Code Level identifies the levels of creation code.

Bad Words

This feature works with Artifism’s default feature and allows them to avoid mentioning bad words from the generated content. To access this feature go to Artifism’s admin panel ⇒ Configurations ⇒ AI Preferences. After that, Click on the Bad Words tab to get the bad words page.

Here you can add bad words as your choice and differentiate them using a comma (,) after each word. These words are not case sensitive and you need to add accurate and relevant bad words for use. It will filter generated responses of template and code. For Image, Long Article, Speech to Text and Voiceover it will filter with their prompt. After making all changes click on Save button to save your changes.

User Access

This feature will allow you control access to features given in the Customer panel. This will affect every customer type user who registered in your system. You can control this from Artifism’s admin panel. For this, login to Artifism’s admin panel. Then go to Configurations ⇒ AI Preferences. After that, Click on the User Access tab to get the user access page.

Here initially all features are switched on for the customer panel. You can disable/enable access of any feature by clicking on a switch button under a specific feature. After making changes just click on Save button to save your changes and those features will be available to access by the customer type users.