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AI Features

In the AI Features module, there are three sections. Image, code & Content. It's the main part of our application. After creating code, image & content from the user panel then the list showed in the admin panel. There is no option from the admin panel to add the image, code & content

To view content

Go to AI Features ⇒ Content from the sidebar. An existing content list will appear.

Users have the privilege to edit and delete contents from the list. Furthermore, upon clicking the filter icon, comprehensive filtering options for use cases, models, users, and languages will be available, facilitating targeted searches based on use cases, models, users, and languages.

To Edit content

Go to AI Features ⇒ Content from the sidebar. An existing content list will appear. Select a content from all contents list. Click on the Edit icon. After clicking on the edit icon, the information of the selected content will show in the form

Change information according to your wish and click on the update button.

Upon clicking the update button, the categories are successfully updated, and the user is redirected to the content list page.

To view Image

Go to AI Features ⇒ Image from the sidebar. An existing Image list will appear

The admin can download and delete the image from the list. And also, clicking the filter icon, all users, all sizes filter will appear by which users can be searched by users & sizes.

To view Code

Go to AI Features ⇒ Code from the sidebar. An existing Code list will appear.

To view specific code details from the code list, select a code from the code list and click on the view icon.

After clicking on the view icon, the details of the code will appear on the page. And, after clicking on the back icon, it redirects to the user on the code lists page.

Users can remove codes from the list using the delete icon. Additionally, clicking the filter icon will reveal an all-users filter, facilitating user searches based on specific users.

To view Long Article

Here is the list of all articles generated by all users. Admin can see user wise articles with the providers and models. Admin can edit or delete any article of any user. There is a filter option above. Click on it to show the options by using this admin can filter data with specific users, providers or models.