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To view Review

Go to Reviews From the sidebar. An existing review list will appear.

You have the option to edit and delete reviews from the list. Clicking on the filter icon will reveal filtering options for ratings, status, and users, facilitating searches based on review ratings, status, and users.

To Edit Review

Go to Reviews From the sidebar. An existing review list will appear. Select a review from the review list, and click on the Edit icon.

After clicking on the Edit icon, selected review details will show on the page. Change the information according to your wish and click on the Update button.

After clicking on the Update button, the review will be updated successfully.

To Add Review

Go to Reviews from the sidebar. An existing review list will appear. Click on Add Review to create a new review.

After clicking on the Add Review button, a form will show on the page. Fill the form with valid information. And click on the Create button.

After clicking on the Create button, a new review will be created successfully.


  • You can see at most top 8 review in frontend.