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To View FAQ

Go to FAQ from the sidebar. An existing FAQ list will appear.

Users have the ability to add, edit and delete FAQs. Upon clicking the filter icon, comprehensive filtering options for status and layouts will be available, facilitating efficient searches based on the FAQ's status and layouts.

To Edit FAQ

Navigate to the FAQ section from the sidebar, where an existing list of FAQs will be displayed. To edit a specific FAQ, select it from the list and click on the edit icon.

After clicking on the edit icon, selected FAQ details will show on the page. Change the information according to your wish and click on the update button.

After clicking on the update icon, the FAQ updates successfully.

To Add FAQ

Access the FAQ section from the sidebar, where you will find an existing list of FAQs. To create a new FAQ, click on the "Add FAQ" button.

Upon clicking the "Add FAQ" button, a form will be displayed on the page. Please complete the form with valid information and proceed by clicking the "Create" button.

After clicking on the Create button, a new FAQ will be created successfully.